Eric Guo's

Hoping writing JS, Ruby & Rails and Go article, but fallback to DevOps note

Grid Computing Answer for Python Code Dojo Class Two


The answer for Python Code Dojo Class Two, which I attend today as seven language in seven week hold by Shanghai TopGeek.

calculate the maximum value found by summing all the rows and columns of a grid of numbers
stin="""01 34 46 31 55 21 16 88 87 87
32 40 82 40 43 96 08 82 41 86
30 16 24 18 04 54 65 96 38 48
32 00 99 90 24 75 89 41 04 01
11 80 31 83 08 93 37 96 27 64
09 81 28 41 48 23 68 55 86 72
64 61 14 55 33 39 40 18 57 59
49 34 50 81 85 12 22 54 80 76
18 45 50 26 81 95 25 14 46 75
22 52 37 50 37 40 16 71 52 17"""
g=[map(int, str.rsplit(row)) for row in str.rsplit(stin, '\n')]
for idx, val in enumerate(g):
d[sum(val)]="row %s"%(idx+1)
for idx, val in enumerate(tg):
d[sum(val)]="col %s"%(idx+1)
print "Max value: %s: %s" % (d[kd[0]], kd[0])

The complete part of the class:

  1. Code Dojo Class One
  2. Code Dojo Class Two
  3. Code Dojo Class Three - An Intro to TDD and unittest of Python
