Eric Guo's

Hoping writing JS, Ruby & Rails and Go article, but fallback to DevOps note

Monitor Sidekiq Service With Monit & Capistrano


Sidekiq as a background processing facility in Rails, usually more and more important during business grow, but it’s relative quite possible failed to startup due to there is some code error, so here is my solution to monitor it.

I choose the monit instead of god beause monit is written in C and very small memory footprint. The capistrano-sidekiq also having a out of box support, but when you combine with monit, capistrano, sidekiq it still trick, so I feel writing a blog is worth.

Install monit

yum install monit # assure using CentOS

Configure monit

vi /etc/monitrc:

set daemon 60
set mailserver localhost
set mail-format {
subject: monit alert -- $EVENT $SERVICE
message: $EVENT Service $SERVICE
Hi all people emails address;
Event happen at: $DATE
Action: $ACTION
Host: $HOST
Description: $DESCRIPTION
Your faithful employee,
Monit (robot)
Hint: when resolved, please replay all.
set alert
set alert

Configure in capistrano-sidekiq

At config/deploy/production.rb

set :sidekiq_monit_conf_dir, '/etc/monit.d' # for CentOS folder
set :sidekiq_monit_use_sudo, false

At Capfile

require 'capistrano/sidekiq'
require 'capistrano/sidekiq/monit' # to require monit tasks

Enable alert by customize the monit template.

rails g capistrano:sidekiq:monit:template

and change as below:

# Monit configuration for Sidekiq : <%= fetch(:application) %>
<% processes_pids.each_with_index do |pid_file, idx| %>
check process <%= sidekiq_service_name(idx) %> with pidfile "<%= pid_file %>"
if changed pid then alert
start program = "/bin/su - <%= @role.user %> -c 'cd <%= current_path %> && <%= SSHKit.config.command_map[:sidekiq] %> <%= sidekiq_config %> --index <%= idx %> --pidfile <%= pid_file %> --environment <%= fetch(:sidekiq_env) %> <%= sidekiq_concurrency %> <%= sidekiq_logfile %> <%= sidekiq_queues %> <%= sidekiq_options_per_process[idx] %> -d'" with timeout 30 seconds
stop program = "/bin/su - <%= @role.user %> -c 'cd <%= current_path %> && <%= SSHKit.config.command_map[:sidekiqctl] %> stop <%= pid_file %>'" with timeout <%= fetch(:sidekiq_timeout).to_i + 10 %> seconds
group <%= fetch(:sidekiq_monit_group, fetch(:application)) %>-sidekiq
<% end %>

Deploya to generate minit config

cap production deploy

After that checking if /etc/monit.d having sidekiq conf file. or running cap sidekiq:monit:config to generate config.

Running monit at production


To test the mail, using monit reload, if still can not received the mail, checking my postfix blog.
