It’s a little hard to find out the root cause why out of box Pentaho Data Integration not working, any way, it’s resolved.
First need java 8 to install, because Oracle refuse to provide, need OpenJDK instead.
| brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
brew install jenv # If also want to using other java version
cd "/Applications/Data"
cat JavaApplicationStub
Also need change JavaApplicationStub
file as below. (Maybe Pentaho developer didin’t having a MBP…)
| #!/bin/sh
# PROG_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
# PROG_DIR is in .app/Contents/MacOS
# BASE_DIR="$PROG_DIR"/../../../
cd "$BASE_DIR"
echo $BASE_DIR
. "spoon.command" "$BASE_DIR"
If you want to continue using Java 12 in system wide, install brew install jenv
and running jenv local 1.8
at data-integration folder.
You could also setting below environment variable:
| # . "$BASEDIR/"
# setPentahoEnv
# Comment out above 2 line and add below 2 line