Eric Guo's

Hoping writing JS, Ruby & Rails and Go article, but fallback to DevOps note

My 2023 Monthly Subscription Review List


Like the year before here is my current subscription, the first number is RMB per month.

  1. (42) iCloud 200GB + 200GB
  2. (15) Apple Music
  3. (25) Dragonruby Pro (annual 42 USD)
  4. (38) bandwagon host (month 33 USD)
  5. (6) Adblock Pro (annual 70 RMB)
  6. (6) MarginNote 3 OCR (annual 68 RMB)
  7. (32) Rubymine (annual 53 USD)
  8. (6) blog domain (annual 10 USD)
  9. (1.5) 香哈菜谱 (annual 18 RMB)
  10. (49) AWS hosting (3 Year 206 USD, month 1.35 USD)
  11. (16.8) Meituan biking
  12. (43) Google Workspace Business Starter (month 6 USD)
  13. (7.5) Colorful Cloud weather app. (yearly 90 RMB)
  14. (115) AI editor. (yearly 192 USD)
  15. (8.2) Ivory for Mastondon. (yearly 98 RMB)
  16. (8) IndieWeb.Social Backer. (monthly 1.5 SGD)

So totally 419 RMB per month have to pay, in previous year is 282 RMB, so 48% higher compare with year 2022.
