I perfer use the official Firefox (Not the China Zhimei .CN version) and here is the Add-on I install:
Add-on Name | Description |
Adblock Plus | Block all ads automatically |
AutoProxy | Smart proxy management (No used now as I only use VPN) |
BaiduSearch | Some time need… |
EPubReader | Read EPUB files just in Firefox |
Fiddler | Http Debugging Tools |
Firebug | Web Development |
HTML5 Notifications | Add desktop notifications to Firefox |
Rapportive | Rapportive adds rich contact profiles to Gmail. |
RESTClient | RESTClient, a debugger for RESTful web services. |
Vimperator | Vim keyboard mode for Firefox |
Scriptish | user javascript manager (better than Greasemonkey) |
SQLite Manager | Manage and SQLite database on your computer |
Weibo Kong | Sina Weibo messenger |