No one like subscription, but we must pay something we really need every month and here is my list in RMB:
- (21) iCloud 200GB
- (15) Apple Music
- (23) Dragonruby Pro (annual 42 USD)
- (33) bandwagon host (month 33 USD)
- (6) Adblock Pro (annual 70 RMB)
- (6) MarginNote 3 OCR (annual 68 RMB)
- (28) Rubymine (annual 53 USD)
- (27) Medium Member (annual 50 USD)
- (6) blog domain (annual 10 USD)
- (1.5) 香哈菜谱 (annual 18 RMB)
- (10) AWS hosting
- (16.8) Meituan biking
- (50) Slack (month 8 USD)
- (38) Google Workspace Business Starter (month 6 USD)
So totally 282 RMB per month have to pay.